Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Self Portrait - 1968

I am, myself, a book
to be read and reasoned
to be loved and hated
to be known, yet misunderstood
I am, myself, a man

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As a young man of nineteen who had joined the work force in Ottawa, working for the department of Public Works thanks to my uncle who was a senior level government bureaucrat, I had begun to see myself as a man though in reality, I was more than naive about almost everything in life. Now, more than forty years later, I find myself still naive about many things. In the moments between work I lived in a world of literature, philosophy and music. I avoided, as much as possible, being involved with most people. Again, it isn't much different in the present. I am still quiet and reserved. I still crave the same things as I did forty years ago. The more things change, the more they stay the same.



Dr. Duncan MacDougall said...

Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose. Indeed.

rgl said...

Thanks for the kind words.